Get Personal with Your Filing System

Get Personal with Your Filing System
31 May 2013
  • Professional Organizers are often talking about how organizing systems should be personalized because there’s usually no one cookie cutter solution that works for everyone. This definitely holds true for filing systems! The same system that’s a life saver for one person will paralyze another.
  • But most people don’t know there are different options out there for ‘filing’ so if the standard way of doing things doesn’t work for them, they often give up. Some people need detail, others need ultra-simplicity.
  • To cut through the confusion, we wanted to share this neat post from Unclutterer, detailing what to think about when coming up with your own best system. A word of caution, if too many choices give you hives, you might want to skim over the file folder section at the end, but the top list of questions are certainly useful for everyone to consider!
  • And don’t be afraid to get some help! Your favorite professional organizer can help take the pain out of paper management.

Sarah Buckwalter